We returned from the cruise March 1. This is when the blog really gets interesting. Now you get to hear about normal life in the Rowe family. While in Quail Creek we try to spend our time in a fairly productive manner. Debbie is ALWAYS planning our next trip, she walks frequently, hikes occasionally and tries to go to Dancercize twice a week. Additionally, she dabbles with stained glass and quilting. I hike and bike somewhat consistently and when the temperature's warm I throw in swimming laps. In mid-March I fell about 8 feet down the face of a rock while hiking. I kind of screwed up a knee which has curtailed my hiking for the time being. I'm optimistic that I'll get the knee corrected soon. I then can return to fuller schedule of activities. I hope to add pickleball to my repatoire. Here's a surprise, I also spend a lot of time outside, often just walking around and frequently talking to the neighbors. Debbie volunteers one, I two mornings each week at our local no kill dog/cat shelter where we walk dogs. Very satisfying! We are blessed (over used these days, but true!) with a group of GREAT friends that results in a steady diet of socializing which most often includes eating. See how I cleverly tied in the word diet?
Debbie's son, Ryan came from Iowa to visit for the last week in March. We went to the Grand Canyon for a few days. That's such a great ditch, always worth seeing!
And Rena kept her promise and showed Ryan how to make an apple pie.
In April Debbie and I both had colonoscopies. Does the fun never end?!
Also in April, Debbie took a 2 night trip with her friend Tommy and the Quail Creek hikers to beautiful Sedona, AZ. No real strenuous hikes she says thankfully, but lots of amazing views!
Hi Tommy! |
So this is the mundane life of retirement. It's so wonderful !!!!
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