I was talking to Aubree today - great conversation. When we got around to what have Debbie and I been doing, my answer seems rather lame. I said, " we do our little volunteer gig, we walk the dogs, I read, Debbie crochets, I like doing picture puzzles, we watch the tube, hike and that's about it". But when I get around to blogging, I realize many days have past and I barely remember what we've done. So I guess the bottom line is somehow we're quite busy with our simple life, love it and have trouble finding time to blog. I'm sharing this for whomever is listening and for prosperity. Henceforth, I won't attempt to account for everyday, I'll simply blog about "meaningful events" and whatever else moves me.
September 24 we hiked with Dave and Ardie. We drove about 2 hours to the Newfound Gap in the Smokey Mountains National Park. Pleasant drive. Our goal was to hike to Charlie's Bunion. It's 8 miles, round trip. It follows a small portion of the Appalachian Trail (AT). That made it special. It was a moderately challenging hike due to the endless irregular footing. Charlie's Bunion is a sizable rock cropping at about 5500 feet that juts way out into space over looking a great valley. At the ultimate destination the footing now verges on hazardous. One can be sensible and safe but one does want to pay attention. We were both and returned without incident. One special stop was at an AT shelter. For those of us new to the AT it was interesting to see one of these structures. I believe they're spaced along the entire length of the AT providing much needed shelters for hikers. I was told by, what appeared to be a seasoned hiker at the shelter, that this particular shelter was built in 1938 by the CCC. It was a very solid structure built of rock and timbers. We drove home safely concluding a great outing.
Warning Sign
Duane on Charlie's Bunion
View from Bunion |
September 28 Debbie and I did a repeat hike up Mt. Pisgah. The first time we did this hike early in our stay here the area was covered with fog. The 28th was sunny and clear......until we got to the top. It was better but the view still restricted. My guess is we'll do it again during the peak of leaf season.
View from Mt. Pisgah before the fog set in |
Happy Trails
I found us a place to go hiking when you guys come visit! Linda and I did it the other day, 8 miles!!! It's a total of 9.5 miles but we were dying and the signs warning us of dangerous snakes and walking RIGHT by a pond that looked like it held many terrifying gators was enough for us!! Excited to take to guys there!! You'll need your hiking sticks Debbie!!